What is Roman Numerals
Ancient Rome use roman numerals number system. That is used to measure different quantities in entire Roman Empire. These are only basic seven symbols I, V, X, L, C, D and M. In modern era this number system is not used but studied in some context for knowledge. The equivalent Arabic numbers are as.
- I 1
- V 5
- X 10
- L 50
- C 100
- D 500
- M 1000
The above 7 symbols are the building blocks of the roman number system. Other numbers and counting is created using these basic symbols.
0 in Roman Numerals
There is no equivalent symbol of zero. So that we can only use zero as suffix in roman counting but this digit cannot be used as prefix in roman numerals. Similarly 00 in roman numerals will also be undefined. If we place 0 as prefix any number of time this will not include in roman, and in conversion these zero's will be eliminated. So that 01 in roman numerals, 02 in roman numerals and 001 in roman numerals will be equal to only 0 (Zero).
Minimum Roman Numeral
1 (one) is the smallest roman number, that is represented by using capital alphabet I.
Maximum Roman Numeral
1000 (thousand) is the largest number, which is represented by using capital letter M. Greater than M can be generated using mat/overline on every symbol.
Symbol | Equivalent Number | Using Overline | Equivalent Number |
V | 5 | v | 5000 |
X | 10 | X | 10000 |
L | 50 | L | 50000 |
C | 100 | C | 100000 (One Lac) |
M | 1000 | M | 1000000 (Ten Lac) |
Roman Numbers 0 to 100
Using OMC 0 to 100 roman counting is generated. This counting contain all integer/decimal numbers and their equivalent roman numerals. Using this calculator we can also generate roman counting 0 to 1000.
Integer | Roman | Integer | Roman | Integer | Roman | Integer | Roman |
0 | NA | 1 | I | 2 | II | 3 | III |
4 | IV | 5 | V | 6 | VI | 7 | VII |
8 | VIII | 9 | IX | 10 | X | 11 | XI |
12 | XII | 13 | XIII | 14 | XIV | 15 | XV |
16 | XVI | 17 | XVII | 18 | XVIII | 19 | XIX |
20 | XX | 21 | XXI | 22 | XXII | 23 | XXIII |
24 | XXIV | 25 | XXV | 26 | XXVI | 27 | XXVII |
28 | XXVIII | 29 | XXIX | 30 | XXX | 31 | XXXI |
32 | XXXII | 33 | XXXIII | 34 | XXXIV | 35 | XXXV |
36 | XXXVI | 37 | XXXVII | 38 | XXXVIII | 39 | XXXIX |
40 | XL | 41 | XLI | 42 | XLII | 43 | XLIII |
44 | XLIV | 45 | XLV | 46 | XLVI | 47 | XLVII |
48 | XLVIII | 49 | XLIX | 50 | L | 51 | LI |
52 | LII | 53 | LIII | 54 | LIV | 55 | LV |
56 | LVI | 57 | LVII | 58 | LVIII | 59 | LIX |
60 | LX | 61 | LXI | 62 | LXII | 63 | LXII |
64 | LXIV | 65 | LXV | 66 | LXVI | 67 | LXVII |
68 | LXIII | 69 | LXIX | 70 | LXX | 71 | LXXI |
72 | LXXII | 73 | LXXIII | 74 | LXXIV | 75 | LXXV |
76 | LXXVI | 77 | LXXVII | 78 | LXXVIII | 79 | LXXIX |
80 | LXXX | 81 | LXXXI | 82 | LXXXII | 83 | LXXXIII |
84 | LXXXIV | 85 | LXXXV | 86 | LXXXVI | 87 | LXXXVII |
88 | LXXXVIII | 89 | LXXXIX | 90 | XC | 91 | XCI |
92 | XCII | 93 | XCIII | 94 | XCIV | 95 | XCV |
96 | XCVI | 97 | XCVII | 98 | XCVIII | 99 | XCIX |
100 | C | ---- |
Steps to convert Integer to Roman
Here are the simple steps for integer/decimal number into roman numerals. We can convert integer and decimal or fractional numbers using the same technique. Here are the steps for converting these numbers.
- Every smaller symbol/numeral before the large symbol is subtracted from the large numeral.
- In contrast the smaller numeral is sum up with large numeral that comes after large symbol.
- The final roman number is generated by concatenating these all converted symbols.

Uses of Roman Numeral
Even roman number is system is not used frequently in modern era. But we may found it's uses in several written formats such as.
- Numbers printed in Clock faces.
- In Content indexing.
- In table of contents of books.
- Subtitles of the movies used roman numerals.
What is Vinculum in Roman
Vinculum is the overline on the basic seven symbols of the roman number system. It multiply the symbol value by 1000. This vinculum can be used any number of time to represent large numbers.
10000 in roman number
Ten thousands can be represented in roman by using overline/vinculum on symbol X (That is equivalent to 10). Similarly 100000 (one lac) can be represented using overline on symbol C (that is equivalent to 100).
Can we write more than 3999 in Roman
To represent 4000 that is more than 3999 we have to concatenate M (equivalent to 1000) four time. Which is not valid in roman counting or number system. So that we only convert numbers from 1 to 3999. Greater number can be represented using overline to the already calculated roman numerals. Such as for four thousands we will write it as IV.
Examples of Roman Numbers
The common said examples of roman and Arabic numbers are as.
- 15 in roman number is XV
- 1501 in roman numeral is MDI
- 16 in roman number is XVI
- 170 roman number is CLXX
- 09 in roman numerals is IX
- 20 in roman number is XX
- 1999 in roman numerals is MCMXCIX
- 290 in roman numerals is CCXC
- 45 in roman numeral is XLV
- 450 in roman numeral is CDL
Rules of Roman Number System
In roman number system four symbols cannot come together. We can observe in roman counting from 1 to 100 that is provided in above table. There is not a single number in which four symbols are adjacent. When there is condition of four numbers will combine then next symbol/digit is used.